What's Up? Come Join Us!

Monday, March 28, 7:00- 8:00 pm ET; Virtual: Winning Choices for Women’s Health

What foods are best for your body? How do your food choices affect hormones and bone health? In this class you will learn about the optimum diet for humans and it’s affects on health. You will discover a way to take control of your overall health while having a positive effect on women’s health issues we are all faced with.

Wednesday, March 30; 7:00- 9:00 pm ET; Virtual: Live Long Live Well

Do you want to live to 100?  Do you want to have a long “health span?”  During this class you will look at the populations where this is the norm to see what habits influence this outcome.  Then you will learn to apply them to your life.  You will leave with information that can reduce your risk of disease and enable you to live a long life outside of a care home.

Register for either class under the “purchase” tab on this website!