It's Time to Feel Alive in '25- Free Class!

Did you make health a part of your 2025 goals? Do you want a lifestyle and not another diet/program? Come discover what this can look like by attending the free class on Monday, January 6, 7:00-8:00 pm ET. I will be presenting Introduction to Optimal Eating virtually through Zoom. Even if you have participated in a class before, feel free to join again- you may learn something new or it will be a good reminder or motivator. Send me an email so that you are put on the list to receive the class link.

Feel Alive in '25!

Is health a part of your 2025 goals? Do you want a lifestyle and not another diet/program? Discover what I have to offer by attending one of my free offerings. The first is on Monday, January 6, 7:00 pm ET. I will be presenting Introduction to Optimal Eating virtually. Even if you have participated in a class before, feel free to join again- you may learn something new or it will be a good reminder or motivator. Send me an email so that you are put on the list to receive the class link.

Be Adventurous Part 2!

In response to a previous post on trying new foods, someone mentioned jackfruit through social media. Have you seen what it looks like before it ends up in cans and pouches? I saw a basket of jackfruit at our local grocery store and was surprised at how big they are! When doing research, it is a large tropical fruit and when ripe tastes sweet like a combo of banana, pineapple, and mango.

Eating on Vacation

I spent last week on vacation. While I didn’t eat as healthy as I would have at home, it wasn’t awful! We had some groceries delivered to our resort- cereal, soy milk, fruit, peanut butter and jelly, bread- to use for breakfast and lunch (although sometimes used for a light dinner). I was able to order vegetarian meals when eating out but I’m sure they weren’t oil free. Pulled pork nachos and a Thanksgiving crepe were my treats to enjoy. There’s a balance between being mindful of what you are eating and giving yourself permission to have something you normally wouldn’t eat on a regular basis.

Be Adventurous!

I encouraged people in one of my classes to buy a new to them food at the grocery store to try. My choice was a small banana. The pic shows it's size compared to the standard banana. It had a sweeter taste than what we usually get. I challenge you to try a new fruit or vegetable as well!