Time For Health- Upcoming Classes

Food Over Medicine Part 2: Monday, May 2, 2022; 7:00 pm ET on Zoom (It’s ok if you haven’t taken Part 1)

What is the proof showing certain foods are better for your body than others?  What can your food do that medicine cannot?  When you finish this class, you will have the knowledge and motivation to eat well.  You will enjoy life feeling your best without unwanted side effects. 

Path To True Health and Weight Loss: Tuesday, May 3, 2022; 7:00 pm ET or Thursday, May 5, 2022; 12:00 pm ET both on Zoom

Are you a yo-yo dieter?  Are you quick to try the newest fad diet?  Did you lose weight only to gain it back?  In this class you will look at why this happens.  You will shift your focus from weight loss to health and learn how to lose weight in a manner that is sustainable and health promoting. 

Support sessions for this class are also available to answer questions, give motivation, and help with the lessons learned in the class.

Register for any of the classes or support sessions under the “purchase” tab at www.empoweringtruehealth.com